Home > Beginnings of Wonder

Beginnings of Wonder

June 2nd, 2009 at 12:31 pm

So...after only my second Life Coaching session, I've uncovered my values:

Optimism/Positive Attitude

And I've discovered what I would love to do if finances and failure were not an issue:

Be a film-maker/documentary-maker making films at home about societal issues and making films around the world which aim to increase understanding between Western culture and other cultures...and vice versa.

I'm leaning more towards films, as I would like to make them interesting/entertaining but with a positive message/feel-good factor with a bit of education thrown in... I think they would reach more people and have the desired effect of opening people's minds a bit and making them feel at one with the world if even for a short while...

So, why blog on a financial site about this ?

Becaus I've decided to go for it !!

Basically I'm holding down a wage in my current job, it does very little for me values-wise - I'm just glad to have a job in the current climate.

But I plan to be a film-maker full-time by my 35th birthday - so 5 years to make the transition.... so definitely not an overnight change.

You see, the way I look at it my current job allows me to save money for retirement, for future accomodation, for opportunities and for day-to-day expenses.

I'm only earning the average industrial wage so I'm not giving up a high-flying career ! It will not take a lot of money to maintain my current savings commitments...

so what if I find a way to meet my financial goals AND do something that makes me blissful ?

No brainer right ?

I hope so....

I'm only at the very beginning of scoping this out.... I'm planning to begin taking courses in film-making next Spring and in the meantime I plan to work on scriptwriting....

5 Responses to “Beginnings of Wonder”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats on finding your calling!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Sounds exciting! I hope you keep blogging about your someone who enjoys my job but wonders if there is something more soul-stirring out there for me, I'm always curious about people who make the leap!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Really glad that you're going for it! Life is too short to not pursue your dreams eh?

    However, is this something you can scale up incrementally? Perhaps start small and indie-like? Or is this something you can do diving head first without compromising the rest of your life?

  4. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Thanks folks !!

    Ceejay - I definitely plan to blog about my progress.... especially since finances will play a huge role in enabling me to accomplish this goal... The film business is cut-throat and cash-hungry.... my first financial goal will be save up the money for a 7 weekend course in film-making that will hopefully start next spring - my introdution to the film world...

    BA- this will definitely be an incremental thing. My goal is be a full-time film-maker by the time I'm 35. So that means 5 more years of having a "day" job. I need an income to finance my film training as well as to finance my lifestyle and savings goals...
    My first film will almost certainly be self-financed... a shoe-string affair filmed on a borrowed camera and edited on my home PC.....

    Am looking forward to the learning curve !! :-)

  5. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    There's a part of me that can't believe I've committed to doing this !! It's so exciting !!!! (Little dance around the living room ! hehe)

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